Sunday, May 28, 2023

Generic Research: Sight and Sound's website

  • The use of social media links is definitely a feature I will replicate on my website, as my target audience are young and very active on social media, so they would likely be interested in following my brand's Instagram, Twitter and Letterboxd accounts and more.

  • This is an interesting feature I might include, as it increases audience engagement, and positions the brand as being interactive and looking to help the audience with any questions they have. It alo increases the likelihood of receiving more subsrciptions/ contributions, ultimately aiding the success of the brand.
  • Similar to Total Film's website, I like the use of a small box in the top left corner to indicate the category of the content, as this makes the website clearer and easier to navigate for the audience. It also makes the website look organised and well-thought-out. I will also replicate the use of a still from the film above the title of the article. 
  • I will likely include at least one, if not several, of these buttons, as this allows the audience to explore further and promises much more content than just the latest stories displayed on the home page. 
  • This will be a prominent feature of my website as it will promote the latest issue of the magazine, which is important for gaining more subscriptions and sales of the magazine.

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