Wednesday, March 8, 2023

NEA - Chosen Brief: Magazine and Online

For the NEA, I am most interested in Brief 3: Magazines and Online. This is largely due to the fact that I would be producing the front cover and contents pages of two new editions of a film magazine, as outside of school I am very passionate about films, and I regularly try to watch a variety of both new and old in order to broaden my knowledge and appreciation. I am also interested in pursuing a career in writing/ editing/ proof reading, so this, combined with my love for film, is an ideal brief for me. In addition to this, I enjoy using Photoshop and InDesign to create visually appealing, detailed and thoughtful pieces, plus I am also interested in photography. Planning, constructing and executing shots, taking into consideration the models, lighting, composition, intertextuality and meaning is something I would greatly enjoy, especially given the creative freedom we have to produce entirely original pieces. With the prior knowledge I have of films and will hopefully continue to expand between now and the time of producing the coursework, I believe I would be able to think of some creative, original ideas, perhaps taking into account intertextuality, and I would enjoy this process (and the investment of time, care and attention to detail) very much.

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