Saturday, October 8, 2022

Soft Drink capaign group task


Brainstorming ideas for our target demographic, 35-45 Resigned:


Using the cameras to take lots of pitures of our chosen drink, Purdey's natural energy drink


Finished using Photoshop to create my advertising campaign poster:

Attention: this advert draws the reader's attention as the bottle is shown to be immmeresed in nature, in line with the natural health benefits of the drink. The pink text helps establish brand identity, as it is the same colour as the bottom half of the bottle. 
Interest: interest is created through the circles in the bottom right-hand corner which display some of the health benefits ("energising B vtamins",  "source of magnesium" etc), which I Photoshopped from a photo of the side of the bottle.
Desire: to receive the health benefits of the drink and also experience the refreshing Raspberry and Rose flavour
Action: to "Replenish" and again experience the benefits of the drink

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